Satellite Images, GeoSpatial Data, Earth Views

Satellite Image Hurricane Katrina Remembered

Satellite Image Hurricane Katrina Remembered

Hurricane Katrina, a Category 5 hurricane caused havoc damage and produced major flooding in Louisiana causing many to flee. The levees failed and Louisiana was underwater for many weeks.
Satellite images and GIS maps enable government, state, and emergency management to better prepare for hurricane impact on their region. An estimate of the particular land cover classes that may be inundated by each category hurricane can enable planners to better assess their region’s risk and vulnerability. With this type of information, planners are better able to prioritize and target mitigation and preparedness activities for their area.

Estimates of the particular land cover classes that may be inundated by a natural disaster can enable operators and planners to better assess their region’s risk and vulnerability. This information will allow for prioritizing target mitigation and preparedness activities for their area.

Prior to a storm, satellite images help pinpoint where previous disaster events have occurred, where they are likely to occur in the future, and the costs associated with historical events. After the storm, the satellite map can be used to determine the extent of landscape change and monitor the progress of recovery

Quickbird satellite image (0.65m) animation of Hurricane Katrina

satellite image hurrican Katrina remembered

Image copyright © MAXAR/processed by Satelite Imaging Corporation.  All rights reserved.