Satellite Images, GeoSpatial Data, Earth Views

3D Terrain Simulation Virunga National Parks

3D Terrain Simulation Virunga National Parks

Virunga National Parks and its endangered mountain gorillas have been threatened once again in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as rebels clash with the Congolese army in the park’s gorilla sector. The gorillas have been caught in a deadly crossfire for years and the bloody conflict is complicated by the pressures of a surging refugee population and an illegal charcoal trade decimating the park that are threatening the gorillas’ lives.

Virunga National Park is home to about 200 of the world’s remaining 783 mountain gorillas which are not frequently hunted for their meat but can be maimed or killed by poachers leaving traps or snares for other animals. They have also been killed for their body parts to be sold to collectors.

3D Terrain Simulation Visoke Volcano – Virunga National Parks

1m Stereo IKONOS Satellite Image Data and 5m DTM

Image copyright © MAXAR/Processed by Satellite Imaging Corporation. All Rights Reserved

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